[su_heading size=”26″]Dr. Putu Harry Gunawan[/su_heading]

PUTU Harry Gunawan was born in Singaraja, Bali, with research interest in the field of Numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications, Modeling and Simulation in CFD, and Parallel Scientific Computing. Harry graduated from the Mathematics Department of Udayana University (2009). Then, he earned double master degree of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Department, Kanazawa University, Japan (2011) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) (2011). Similarly to the doctoral program, Harry earned two doctorates from Le Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées (LAMA), Universite Paris-Est (UPEM), France, and the ITB (2015). During his doctoral study, a medal Le Prix Mahar Schutzenberger by the AFIDES, Paris, France (2014) is obtained. Moreover, he has published many scientific papers both in national and international scientific journals. For further information about Harry, please visit his personal blog at phg-simulation-laboratory.com or contact to email: phgunawan@ telkomuniversity.ac.id and IG id: phgunawan.

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  • Keynote speaker at ICSEBS – Telkom University (2016)

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  • A medal – Prix Mahar Schutzenberger – Le prix Mahar Schutzenberger is a Reward for Young Indonesian Researchers Who Prepared Their Thesis in France – Association Franco- Indonésienne pour le Développement des Sciences, FRANCE 2014)

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[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=”” ]Investigasi Pengurangan Dampak Kerusakan Pantai dengan Hutan Bakau Melalui Pemodelan Numerik (Investigation of Impacts of Coastal Damage Impacts with Mangrove Forests Through Numerical Modeling) (2017) [/su_column]

[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Simulasi Fluida Menggunakan Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Pada Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) (Fluid SimulationUsing Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) At Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)) (2017)[/su_column]

[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=”” ]Simulasi Numerik Persamaan Air Dangkal Satu Dimensi Menggunakan Arsitektur Paralel OPENMP (Numerical Simulation of One Dimensional Water Equation Using the OPENMP Parallel Architecture) (2017)[/su_column]

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