MTH503 Research Methodology

Membahas tentang beberapa metodologi penelitian dalam bidang Informatika berikut perangkat atau tools yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian (seperti perangkat untuk survey, perangkat statistika, perangkat pemodelan umum, dll), kriteria pengujian hasil penelitian di bidang Informatika, cara untuk mengevaluasi rancangan percobaan/pengujian pada penelitian, serta cara membaca, memeriksa/mengevaluasi, memaparkan, menulis, merancang, dll makalah di bidang Informatika

Research Methodology discusses some research methodologies in the field of Informatics including mehtods or tools that can be used in research (such as a tools for survey, the statistical tools, the general modeling tools, etc.). Additionally, it will be discussed criteria for testing the results of research in the field of Informatics, a way to evaluate the experimental design/testing on research, as well as how to read, check/evaluate, explain, writing, designing papers in the field of Informatics